Simple answers to your most common questions
How to use Mailitperfect image upload feature
Mailitperfect image upload feature is very simple. Please follow the below steps
What the image check feature in Mailitperfect?
By Image Check feature you can check if there is any broken image in your HTML. If it finds any broken image it will show you the list of the broken image. It also shows you image upload button in case it finds any broken image. Once you upload the image. It will automatically change the respective image path.
What is Upload Images feature in Mailitperfect?
Now email developer does not have to wait for IT guy/client to upload the image on their server and change the image URL in the Email HTML. With our advanced image upload feature. They can do it with just one click. First, paste your HTML and then click Upload Images button. Select the image you defined in the email HTML. Our tool will automatically change the image path automatically. So you do not have to do it manually. If any image already hosted on your server. It will not change that.
Why cannot we upload images more than 5MB on Mailitperfect?
Some email client does not accept emails if mail is more than 5MB. That is why we put the limitation of 5MB.
Why am I not getting test mail?
To get a test email. First email receiver has to verify the email ID. If receiver email ID is not verified or does not exist on our domain we will send you a verification email. Once you verify your email ID. You will get the test email. If still having a problem just write to us [email protected]
Why am I getting mail in my spam?
You may get the test email in your spam. Spam can be caused by many reasons. But most common reason are below.
Why am I getting broken images in the test email?
Most email developers ask the same question. There may be many reasons. We are listing most common reason below.